
News and Notes

  • clients

Deciding Which Level of Corporate Security is Right for Your Business

We serve a variety of businesses with our corporate security solutions here at Warren Technology, and in many different capacities, too. Sometimes, when business owners choose to reach out to us because they want to improve their network security, they can be unsure just what type of security solution is the

  • Cybersecurity partner

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Cybersecurity Partner

Cyber Insecurity  Technological innovation, especially that revolving around the online sphere, is more or less defining the 21st century.  That being said, this innovation is not guaranteeing that the “Wild Wild West” days of online security are over, where just about any hacker could get inside your supposedly secure network

  • Improve Your Cybersecurity

Why Businesses Need to Improve Their Cybersecurity, Now

82% of SMB’s who experience a #ransomware attack are closed permanently within 1 year.  If that doesn’t scare you, it should. Any successful business working in the 21st century is undoubtedly relying on online and computer-based services for at least some operations.  It is just the way things work now,

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